I took an "L" to Maddie Ziegler in the Fortnite Dance Challenge

Well what can I say? Maddie, you're awesome! As one of the most accomplished young dancers in the world, it was no surprise. Yes, I got beat me in the fortnight dance challenge. I put up a good fight though. Kudos to you, girl!
For those of you who haven't heard of the fortnite dance challenge, I'll explain. Basically, Epic Games
(the video game company) announced on social media that they'll be initiating a contest for a fortnite dance, also known as the #boogiedown contest. Calling upon their most passionate gamers, they were invited to show off their best moves. The first place winner’s dance gets created as an emote in Fortnite! Pretty cool, right?
Dancers can upload one (and only one) dance or move they think would be a great emote in the game. Each will be judged on fun, originality and creativity. The rules are simple: clearly, the dances have to be family-friendly and then uploaded to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag boogiedown. Only one boogie will be added to the game, but the top one hundred entries win game coins and cool cosmetics.
Check out examples of the latest contest entries on You Tube. The word is spreading and tons of dancers and their pals are already uploading their videos. Watch the entries, get inspired and start planning your best moves. Remember, originality is key, so make sure your movements are special. And most importantly, have fun!
You may not be able to keep up with Maddie Ziegler (I definitely couldn't) but you don't need to! The judges are looking for something new interesting, so my best advice is just do what comes naturally. Or if you're not crazy about the idea of putting yourself out there on the internet, you can always record yourself dancing just for fun. Why not?